I'm a bubble of joy floating around, can you see me? I just passed you. I shared my joy with you . Did you feel it? Positive vibrations all around... You may ask why? I say because I choose to be. I choose to be happy, I choose to wake up with a smile on my face and appreciate the fact that I woke to see another day. Nothing but blue skies and butterflies in my world even though there is nothing but grey winter skies outside. I am happy because I am overflowing with self love, yes love of self. I love me, me, me, yes me , myself and I the woman that is Zora. I have never been this happy in my life and I am going to cling to it for as long as I can. Damnit I going to suck this feeling dry. Apart from love of self I am happy because I have the most amazing people in my life whom I love like you could never imagine, to know how I love them you have to be ME. Bukelwa, Thobela, Lenise these are three phenomenal women who I consider to be some of my best friends and I appreciate them for who they are and the value they add in my life. We have our differences and they know I am not the sweetest of people to be around with but they understand me and I love them for that. Bukelwa and Thobela used to call me a bitch on a daily basis and I didn't mind because at that point in time I was exactly that a BITCH. These days I am all smiles and they keep asking me why and I tell them because I can and they are loving it. Mna I am loving them loving me being happy. Then there is Lenise my little SUNSHINE, she always has my back and always manages to put a smile on my face just nje because she can. She is after all Lenise Lana Lewellyn a humdinger (one that is extra ordinary or remarkable) of a woman and a superduper cool friend. Then of course there is the super phenomenal woman who I like to call mommy, a woman of strenght, a creator and a nuturer. Always there for me through good or bad times. I could go on and on about her but I choose to stop right there. I love her, I love her, I love her. Some other people who have played a role in my Joy are my cyber friends and some friends that came and fit in perfectly in the puzzle that is called Zora. Zona Mpendulo whom I went to Tek with and never really got a chance to talk to but our paths met again because they were destined. I met her in Cape Town and we got a long like a house on fire. Our friendship is very immature at this stage as it is still in its early stages of development but I have a feeling that it will grow and develop to be a strong and mature friendship that will last for sometime to come. I love her smile and like Amel Larrieux says your smile could heal a million souls.All these people have played a part in bringing back my joy or rather helping me find my joy and for that I say much thanx. You are appreciated